Meet my Uncle Leonard- My inspiration through hard times
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David Wood, reporter for the Huffington Post and a one who I consider a friend, recently asked a compelling question- "When does a Wounded Warrior move past being a Wounded Warrior? What is that journey like?" I felt that this question begs to answer also, "What can I do if the one I care about is struggling to get through this? I start by trying to help understand what is going on and then how to
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David Wood, reporter for the Huffington Post, and one who I consider a friend, recently asked me a compelling question- "When does a, 'Wounded Warrior' move past being a, 'Wounded Warrior'? What is that journey like?" I felt that this question begs to also answer, "What can I do if the one I care about is struggling to get past trauma?" I start by trying to help understand what is going on and then
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Discover Magazine article- New Hope For Soldiers
I am proud to have served with Dr Robert Hale in the pursuit of improving medical treatments for our wounded veterans. Read to see all the progress since Dr Hale has been on the seen.
Watch to see where my speaking career started. Special thanks to all the support I had during this time.
Texas Valero Open 2014; Night To Honor Our Heroes; Guest Speaker- Todd Nelson
It was a privilege and an honor to encourage companies nationally to support our Wounded Warriors
Below is a note I sent to an organization called, "Comfort Crew" This organization is dedicated to supporting the children of deployed service members in any way possible. During the holiday season they collect inspiring and encouraging messages from around the country to share with these children. If you feel called to help this cause, please visit their site
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I still remember it very clearly. Almost a year ago during my last interview, they asked me if I had anything I wanted to add. All I wanted to say was, “I just want to be part of a motivated team again. I was a soldier; part of the world's most powerful and motivated team. I took some time off to finish my degree, but I miss being part of something that is greater than me. Being part of a team
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US Army Master Sergeant (Retired) Todd M. Nelson addressing various congressional staff and medical researchers on the importance to remain diligent in their support of programs that aid wounded veterans in healing and recovering. Effectively applies a correlation of how warrior ethos needs to be used even on capitol hill. Explains how his personal tag line of, "If I don't do it, who will?" applies
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